Explore the Haemonetics Education Portal to deepen your understanding of our devices and solutions. This user-friendly platform offers engaging elearning programs designed to support your learning journey. Experience interactive content, including simulated device interactions, animations, and knowledge checks to maximize your course experience. Access is limited to Haemonetics customers, distributors and employees only.

Training Programs
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Training Programs
Apheresis Training
Grow your knowledge in apheresis with this comprehensive elearning program.
Collecting the right blood product for the right patient starts with the right knowledge. In this multi-course training program, we will start with an introduction to apheresis and expand into details on our apheresis products. You will have the opportunity to learn about the MCS®+ 8150 and the MCS®+ 9000 apheresis devices. Upon successful completion of each course, you will be issued a digital certificate that demonstrates your gained understanding of the subject matter.

Cell Processing
The four-course training program will introduce the Haemonetics Automated Cell Processing System (ACP® 215). This program will offer a progressive approach at understanding cell processing, it’s benefits, device components, protocols, procedures, troubleshooting and maintenance.